Arista Warrior: Arista Products with a Focus on EOS

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Arista Networks has become a key player in software-driven cloud networking solutions for large data center, storage, and computing environments, and is poised to make an impact in other areas as well. In this updated edition, renowned trainer, consultant, and technical author Gary A. Donahue (Network Warrior) provides an in-depth, objective guide to Arista's products. You'll learn why the company's network switches, software products, and Extensible Operating System (EOS) are so effective.

Anyone who has or is pursuing networking certification (especially Arista's own!) or who is just curious about why Arista is better will benefit from this book, especially entrenched administrators, engineers, or architects tasked with building an Arista network. Pick up this in-depth guide and find out how Arista can help both you and your company.

Topics in the second edition include:

  • Configuration Management: config sessions, config replace, and config checkpoints
  • CloudVision: Arista's management, workload orchestration, workflow automation, and configuration tool
  • VXLAN: Layer 2 overlay networking
  • FlexRoute: two million routes in hardware
  • Tap Aggregation: make your switch or blade into a Tap Aggregation device
  • Advanced Mirroring: mirror to a port-channel or even the CPU
  • eAPI: Arista's fabulous extended Application Programmable Interface
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