Accelerated Android Development Training in Colton

Enroll in or hire us to teach our Accelerated Android Development class in Colton, California by calling us @303.377.6176. Like all HSG classes, Accelerated Android Development may be offered either onsite or via instructor led virtual training. Consider looking at our public training schedule to see if it is scheduled: Public Training Classes
Provided there are enough attendees, Accelerated Android Development may be taught at one of our local training facilities.
We offer private customized training for groups of 3 or more attendees.

Course Description

This fast-paced course gets the experienced Java programmer up and running with the Android API and development tools and in a position to develop useful applications that incorporate the most exciting features of emerging mobile devices. It is designed as an accelerated alternative to Introduction to Android Development and Intermediate Android Development, concentrating on what many enterprises will see as the most high-value topics and techniques while leaving some areas for later study. The lab software includes all exercises from both courses. As with those two courses, this one focuses on practical concerns faced by the corporate IT developer. The primary case-study application connects popular mobile features such as maps and multimedia with a RESTful web service and a JPA persistence tier that connects to a fully-worked enterprise database (15 tables, 998 rows). The mobile side of the application includes 47 Java classes and 8 distinct activities. Supporting applications provide overlapping exercise in key techniques such as using asynchronous tasks, communicating with external applications, and error-handling.
Course Length: 5 Days
Course Tuition: $2450 (US)


Java programming experience is required.

Course Outline


Chapter 1. The Android Operating System

  • Mobile Form Factors
  • Versions of Android
  • Applications and APK Files
  • Process Architecture
  • The Role of Java
  • Hello, Dalvik
  • What's In, What's Out
  • Services
  • User Interface
  • Memory and Storage
  • Operating-System Services
  • Inter-Process Communication

Chapter 2. Android Development

  • The Android SDK
  • The SDK and AVD Managers
  • Configuring the Emulator
  • Eclipse
  • Resources
  • APK Files
  • Build Process
  • The R Class
  • Assets
  • The Dalvik Debug Monitor Server
  • The Android Debugger (adb)
  • Command Shells
  • The Android Log and LogCat
  • Ant

Chapter 3. Applications

  • Activities
  • Activity Lifecycle
  • The onCreate Method
  • Layouts and Views
  • The findViewById Method
  • Tasks and the "Back Stack"
  • Intents and Results
  • startActivity and Related Methods
  • Custom Application Classes
  • Shared Application State
  • Centralized Flow Control

Chapter 4. User Interface Design

  • XML Layouts
  • Layout Parameters
  • The Box Model
  • Gravity
  • The LayoutInflater Service
  • The
  • The
  • Views and Adapters
  • Form Widgets

Chapter 5. Working with Lists

  • AdapterView and Subclasses
  • Adapter and Subinterfaces
  • ListView and ListAdapter
  • Spinner and SpinnerAdapter
  • Handling Item Selection
  • Custom Adapters
  • ExpandableListView and ExpandableListAdapter

Chapter 6. Menus

  • Menus and Views
  • Menu Resources
  • The MenuInflater Service
  • The Options Menu
  • The Context Menu
  • The
  • The Menu and MenuItem Classes
  • The onOptionsItemSelected and onContextItemSelected Methods
  • Handling Menu Selections
  • The Escape from switch/case!
  • Using a Dispatch Map
  • Building Menus Dynamically

Chapter 7. Local Storage

  • The Android File System
  • Internal Storage
  • File Formats
  • Parsing JSON
  • The openFileInput and openFileOutput Methods
  • Storage and the Application Lifecycle
  • External Storage
  • Private Storage vs. Public Media
  • Permissions
  • Checking for Availability
  • getExternalStorageDir and Related Methods

Chapter 8. Networking and Web Services

  • Apache HttpClient
  • Consuming RESTful Web Services
  • Building URLs
  • Parsing JSON
  • Parsing XML
  • Connected Applications
  • Offline Operation and Server Synchronization

Chapter 9. Asynchronous Tasks

  • The UI Thread
  • Background Tasks
  • Loopers and Handlers
  • Using AsyncTask
  • Using ProgressDialog
  • Error Handling

Chapter 10. Services

  • The Roles of Services
  • Invoking a Service
  • Do's and Don'ts
  • Communication with the Application
  • Communication with Activities
  • Sending Notifications
  • Pending Intents
  • Downloaders
  • Polling Web Services

Chapter 11. Multimedia

  • Playing Sounds
  • Haptic Feedback (Vibrating)
  • Managing Images
  • Storage and Retrieval
  • Invoking the Camera
  • Invoking the Media Recorder
  • Gallery and other Image Views

Chapter 12. Location Services and Maps

  • Location Services
  • Location Notifications
  • The Google Maps API
  • License Terms and Maps API Keys
  • Map View and Map Activity Classes
  • Configuring a Map
  • Controlling a Map
  • Events
  • Projections
  • Map Overlays
  • Item Overlays
  • Custom Overlays

Course Directory [training on all levels]

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